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High School Ministry

Be prepared for games, fellowship, an inspiring talk, 

and real moments of encounter with Jesus. 


2024-2025 LifeNights on SUNDAYS



October 20 at St. Pius X

October 27 at St. Pius X


November 3 at St. Pius X

November 10 at St. Pius X

November 17 at *St. Thomas Aquinas 6p-8p*

November 24, at St. Pius X


December 1: No Meeting, Thanksgiving Holiday

December 8, Second Sunday of Advent [Christmas Party] at St. Pius X

December 15, Gaudete Sunday at St. Pius X

December 22: No Meeting, Christmas Holiday

(Merry Christmas!)

December 29: No Meeting, Christmas Holiday


January 5, Epiphany at St. Pius X

January 12, Baptism of the Lord at St. Pius X

January 19: No Meeting, MLK Holiday

January 26 ADORATION at *St. Pius X Parish*


February 2, Presentation of the Lord at St. Pius X:

The New is concealed in the Old; the Old is fulfilled by the New

February 9 at St. Pius X:

Till Death: Martyrdom, Man & Woman, and Marriage (the Church is a bride too!)

February 16: No Meeting, February Break

February 23 ADORATION at *Holy Family Parish*


March 2 at St. Pius X

Lenten Prep: How to go into deserts in Fairfield County

March 9, 1st Sunday of Lent:

Detach and Disconnect: Deny thyself and be happier (fasting)

March 16, 2nd Sunday of Lent:

9 till 5: Corporal Works of Mercy + Service Project (almsgiving)

March 23, 3rd Sunday of Lent:

Choir practice: Angels (and demons) among us

March 30, Laetare Sunday ADORATION at *Notre Dame in Easton*


April 6, 4th Sunday of Lent:

How the Church has changed the world: Catholic Hall(owed) of Fame

April 13 Palm Sunday:

Jewish Roots of the Catholic Church

April 20: No Meeting, Easter

April 27, Divine Mercy Sunday

St. Faustina, St. JPII, & Divine Mercy


May 4:

May Crowning: Who is the Queen of Heaven and Earth?

May 11: No Meeting, Mother's Day

May 18:

Senior Send-Off


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